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Adaptogens For Depression

Adaptogens For Depression

The Mystery of Mood Swings, Their Role in Depression & A Natural Remedy for that Moody, Gloomy You

Charge your Adaptive Response system with bummer-busting adaptogens

Feeding your Adaptive Response system is easy. Here’s what you need: Adaptogens. Crazy word, I know, but stick with it:

What are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens is short for “adaptogenic herbs,” and they are 100% natural. They weren’t cooked in a lab. They are not genetically modified. They do not control your brain chemistry, nor do they come with a black-box label attached to them warning of suicidal thoughts. Adaptogens are just herbs. Well, okay, not “just” herbs. Herbs with a really cool name for one. And for another: Herbs that have the proven ability to help your body’s Adaptive Response system do its job better. Not just slightly better, either. Often, much, MUCH better. Here’s how it works:
  1. You take a regimen of adaptogen supplements prophylactically, which is just a fancy word for “regularly.” Two in the morning and two at night is all you’ll need, but it’s important to know that you can’t just take them here and there — your system needs a steady flow to get the job done.
  2. Your body notices the influx of adaptogens in your system and signals to your Adaptive Response system that the tank is full again.
  3. With the help of the newly arrived adaptogens, your Adaptive Response system kicks into high gear and gives your body a healthy dose of bummer-busting, stress-fighting action.
  4. You feel less stressed, upset, moody and depressed, and more importantly — ready to get back to living your life!

Equip your body to fight off a bad mood and signs of depression naturally

What is your Adaptive Response system? It’s your body’s natural ability to adapt and cope with stress and your environment, both physically and mentally. Emphasis on the physical and emotional. It helps you bounce back from a long jog AND a recent rejection. Your Adaptive Response system boosts your immune system AND hormone balance. Physical AND emotional, ya heard? Specifically, this system includes:
  • Your adrenal glands These are the glands that produce hormones like cortisol, which helps you cope with stress and feel better.
  • Your pituitary gland This gland acts like master control for your hormones and makes sure you’re balanced and not overly emotional (which can lead to mood swings).
  • Your nervous system This entire-body system acts as your mainline communication center for muscle response, feelings (the physical kind) and reflexes by sending commands from your brain to the rest of your body.
Here’s the important part: Everyone has an Adaptive Response system, and it never goes away or quits. When you feel all “doom and gloom,” it isn’t because your Adaptive Response system quit or isn’t working properly. It’s just low on, or not getting, the right kind of fuel! And anyone who has tried to drive a car on water knows that without the right kind of fuel you’re not getting anywhere! When a “mood swing” rears its ugly head, there are usually two sides to it… and they are each equally upsetting:
  • The mood swing itself — no one enjoys feeling suddenly and highly irritable.
  • When a person affected by said mood swing implies that it’s “that time of the month.”
  • Nothing irks a woman more than when her emotions are diminished and belittled.
Yes, it’s true: Women are more prone to sudden changes in mood and temperament. But it’s also worth noting: Men are reporting mood disorders and chronic irritability in growing numbers. And it’s believed that the number of men affected by mood disorders is under-reported, due in large part to societal pressures and “norms” regarding perceived masculinity. The first thing we need to do is cast aside the notion that mood swings only affect women and are purely hormonal. Second, let’s get this straight…

There’s no such thing as a mood swing for “no reason”

If you’ve been feeling less and less in control of your mood, you may be thinking:
  • “I don’t know why some things set me off”
  • “I just snap sometimes.”
  • “There really isn’t a reason, that just rubbed me the wrong way.”
Sorry, wrong. There’s ALWAYS a reason. So what is it? The answer is really simple: It’s stress. Outside stressors have a huge impact on how we behave. Examples of these stressors include:
  • Cutbacks are happening at work and you’re worried you’ll be laid off
  • Your relationship with your significant other is suffering at home
  • A close family member is in declining health
Those stressors are going to affect your mood and increase the likelihood of a mood swing. And here’s the worst part about stress: It’s a snowball effect. Your outer stressors become internal problems. The outside stress that you feel at work begins to take its toll on your wellbeing, which in turn takes its toll on your ability to deal with stress, which then creates more stress… And it’s just an ongoing, ugly cycle. The good news is that you don’t have to wait out the storm or start meditating and “be all Zen” to reduce stress. There are simple, natural stress remedies available that require MINIMAL to zero lifestyle changes. We will get to that shortly. Promise!

Signs of Mood Swings and Depression.

And that’s the fact your mood swings could be an indicator of a larger problem. Let’s look closely at some of the symptoms that come with frequent mood swings… Mood swings can actually look like this:
  • You’ve been in a bad mood for longer than a couple days
  • Can’t shake a lingering feeling of depression or hopelessness
  • Even minor annoyances trigger mood swings
  • You’re less social than you used to be
  • Anxiety levels are elevated for no reason
  • You aren’t able to sleep as well at night, or you sleep too much
  • Constantly thinking of stressful or depressing issues when you should be enjoying the moment
Are you thinking that those situations extend beyond typical “mood swing” fodder? That’s because mood swings are often a sign of depression. No, we don’t necessarily mean the big capital-D Depression or major depression. There are variations and shades to everyone’s feelings and emotions. But this is for sure: If you checked yes to any of the above scenarios, it’s important to keep reading.

The cause of depression and science behind mood swings…

A quick Google search defines a mood swing thusly: An abrupt and apparently unaccountable change of mood. Depression is: feelings of severe despondency and dejection. Are you interested in another definition, one rooted in science and biological proof? Sorry, there isn’t one. Mood swings and depression don’t show up on x-rays or CAT scans, and they vary in both cause and severity. No hard and fast scientific evidence for why they happen has been isolated yet. (If it had been, the world would be a much happier place. Literally.) So are your mood swings the result of stress or depression? Only you can really answer that question. But if you’ve been in a bad mood, frequently lashing out at friends or depressed for an extended period of time, you know it. And if you’re reading this, you’re ready for a change. There ARE things you can do to improve your mood and shake your system awake. Let’s delve into your options…

Treatment for depression, anxiety and mood swings: where to turn?

Sure, there are medications for depression and anxiety that claim to chemically boost your mood and morale. (Thus eliminating mood swings.) But these medications come with a huge black-box warning label, which is the Food and Drug Administration’s most severe drug warning. It actually warns that these drugs could increase the risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts. Yikes. Turning to some made-in-a-test-tube medication is scary enough, but one that alters your brain chemistry and could actually make you more depressed? Well, that’s definitely one way to go… But maybe what your system needs is a kick in the butt. An all-natural kick. Specifically, it’s time to kick your Adaptive Response system into gear. All of these symptoms — being moody, feeling morose and upset, getting more and more anxious — could just be in response to a depleted Adaptive Response system. And that kick to your system is 100% natural, with no warning labels attached.

Do Adaptogens Help Mood and Depression?

Like we said before: The performance of your Adaptive Response system depends on the fuel you give it. Through decades of clinical research and trials, four Primary adaptogens have been identified for their Adaptive Response-boosting properties.

Four Adaptogens for Mood Swings and Depression:

  • Rhodiola rosea (a.k.a. Golden Root) This Russian root contains adaptogenic properties that keep you going strong even during long periods of mental and physical stress. You won’t be snapping at coworkers after pulling long deadline-day hours anymore!
  • Leuzia carthamoides (a.k.a. Maral Root) In Siberian Russia, stags (known as Maral) were known to dig up and consume this root when recovering from exhausting mating duals. As a result, this root has been a centuries-long standby for healers to cure fatigue and rebuild strength. These properties were confirmed through clinical trials in the early 20th Bottom line: this adaptogenic herb is your go-to for recovering from stress more rapidly.
  • Eleutherococcus senticosus (a.k.a. Siberian Ginseng) The research demonstrating this herb’s ability to help your body heal itself ranges from anecdotes that are thousands of years old to recent clinical trials. You’ll find yourself less easily fatigued and tired less often thanks to this adaptogen.
  • Schisandra chinesis (a.k.a. Limonik) This lemony herb comes from a tree that has long been revered in China for improving strength and quickness. Clinical trials in the mid-20th Century confirmed that this herb possesses adaptogenic properties noted for improving the nervous system’s overall performance.

How to Use Adaptogens

Take BOOSTme twice a day. Once in the morning to BOOST your energy, once in the afternoon as a pick me up or once at night for a good night sleep. BOOSTme must be taken every day consistently for the effects to work. We guarantee you will start feeling better in just a few weeks!

Enjoy Life Without Mood Swings and Depression.

All together, you have a plan of action for getting the best of your bad mood. With a regimen of all-natural adaptogen supplements, your Adaptive Response system will be well on its way to fighting off stress and anxiety and improving your overall mood. You’ll be back to enjoying time with your friends and family. Back to feeling relaxed and at ease in almost any environment. Back to the life you know and love! What are you waiting for? Order BOOSTme adaptogen herbs for hormone balance today!

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